Restricted Businesses

Some industries may be prohibited or restricted from working with due to factors such as local and international laws, risk level, or requirements of payment partners


  • Adult goods
  • Fetish products
  • Content: Books, magazines, audio, videos, websites, streaming services, and other content formats deemed offensive or of a sexual nature
  • Entertainment: Gentleman’s clubs, topless bars, strip clubs, sexually oriented massage parlors, saunas, escort agencies, or any sexually-related services

Financial Businesses

  • Bearer share entities
  • Binary options
  • Buy now pay later / Instalment payment methods
  • Credit repair and credit protection business
  • Debt repayment and collection agency
  • E-wallet or e-money that can be monetized, re-sold or converted to physical and digital goods and services or otherwise exit the virtual world
  • Financial service or money service business, including but not limited to: traveler checks, money orders, Foreign Exchange, check cashing, virtual currencies and cash advances by non-financial institutes
  • Fines or penalty collections of any kind
  • Independent or unlicensed financial advisors
  • Insurance sales and services (life)
  • Insurance sales and services (non-life)
  • Money transfer & remittance businesses
  • Payday loans, unsecured loans and loans originating from non FDIC insured banks
  • Payroll, invoice & business services
  • Provider or seller prepaid access/stored value
  • Shell banks

Intellectual Property (IP)

  • Counterfeit products, replicas or designed infringements of them including products designed to circumvent IP
  • Essay mills, paper mills where the intent is to falsely submit documents as their own work
  • Products designed to circumvent copyright protection techniques or to otherwise facilitate the unlicensed use of copyrighted material
  • The use of Paymennt’s logo and IP without express permission or in a way that creates reputation risk for Paymennt

Marketing practices

  • Business investment opportunities operating as ‘get rich quick schemes’
  • Business models that use ransom- or extortion like practices
  • Business practices that are designed to evade excessive chargeback monitoring programs
  • Data Pass
  • Deceptive marketing tactics related to disclosure, false or inaccurate claims, before/after claims, endorsements, cancellation or refunds avoidance, pre-checked opt-ins, poorly disclosed negative options, misappropriation of incentives, disproportionate rebates, sweepstakes
  • Fake references and other services or products that foster deception
  • Inbound telemarketing for postcard or mailings
  • Products or services that promote hate, violence, discrimination, terrorism, harassment or abuse in any shape or form
  • Pyramid selling, chain letters or other financial scams


  • Charities
  • Crowdfunding

Other products & services

  • Airlines
  • Ancestry research
  • Animals and wildlife products classified as endangered or protected
  • Art dealers and galleries
  • Auction houses
  • Bail bonds and bankruptcy lawyers
  • Bidding fee and penny auctions
  • Casual dating services
  • Car and truck rental / sales / importers / car parts
  • Certain social media business (e.g. click farms)
  • Cloud storage, VPN, file sharing, (high-risk) cyber lockers
  • Cruise Lines
  • Direct Marketing – Inbound teleservices, outbound telemarketing and travel-related arrangement services, Insurance services, catalog merchants, door-to-door sales
  • Drop shipping
  • Governmental services, such as embassies or consulates
  • Hazardous materials (B2B), including but not limited to: Hydrofluoric acid, Products containing cyanide, Prohibited ozone-depleting substances (ODS), Nitric acid, Peptides, research chemicals and Bacteria cultures or other products containing E-coli or Escherichia coli
  • Hazardous materials (B2C), as described above
  • Health practitioners, private medical practices, e-doctors, dental/medical services and facilities
  • Human body parts or bodily fluids (excluding hair and teeth)
  • Internet product and service providers
  • Intravenous therapy (e.g .IV drip bar, vitamin infusions, hang over cures)
  • Jewelry, watch, precious stones, metals and silverware stores
  • Key-entry telecom merchant
  • Live-streaming Services without in-app currency
  • Live-streaming Services with in-app currency
  • Live-streaming Services with in-app donations functionality
  • Mail order spouse or international match-making services
  • Medical, dental, ophthalmic and hospital equipment and supplies
  • Medical benefit packages
  • Multi-level marketing
  • Nutraceuticals and food products, including, but not limited to CBD and Hemp seed related products
  • Pawn shops
  • Political, religious or Social Campaigning
  • Real estate services
  • Services associated with pseudoscience (e.g. clairvoyance, horoscopes)
  • Telemarketing companies selling products or services as an agent for a third party
  • Ticket agencies
  • Timeshare and timeshare maintenance
  • Travel agents and tour operators
  • Veterinary practices


  • Alcohol sales
  • Drugs, and tools specifically intended for the production of drugs, drug paraphernalia, illegal drugs, substances designed to mimic illegal drugs and / or other psychoactive products
  • Illegal products or services or any service providing peripheral support of illegal activities, including illegal gambling services
  • Legal gambling or Game of Skill where participants receive cash or cash equivalents or prizes with/of material value: including but not limited to: Casinos, poker, bingo, slot machines, betting, lotteries, racing, fantasy sports
  • Products or services specifically offered or intended to be used to create, produce or grow drugs or drug ingredients
  • Pharmaceuticals, prescription medicine and medical devices (including animal pharmaceuticals)
  • Tobacco, smoking supplies, e-cigarettes, e-liquids, vaping liquid, vaping accessories
  • Trade of fireworks, flammable or radioactive materials
  • Trade of weapons, ammunitions, military arms, explosive devices and firearm parts
  • Any type of US based gambling services

Securities & Trading

  • Cryptocurrency exchange
  • High-risk securities
  • Security brokers /investments of any kind
  • Third-party Payment Processing

Third-party Payment Processing

  • Aggregators, including but not limited to marketplaces, platforms
  • Staged Digital Wallet Operators
  • Payment Facilitators or other internet payment or member service providers (IPSP or MPS)
  • Payment service companies, including but not limited to peer-to-peer, bill payments, commissary accounts


  • Decryption and descrambler products and services, devices designed to block, jam, or interfere with cellular and personal communications

Last Updated: Sep 1, 2024